ClearPath believes that solutions to produce more clean energy and lower emissions must focus on policies that put markets over mandates and innovation over regulation.
Welcome to ClearPath's tracking tool for the energy programs in the Energy Act of 2020 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IJA).
ClearPath designed this interactive tracker to make data from government websites more accessible to ensure proper implementation of these programs would lead to big wins for the economy and the emission reductions.
At ClearPath we stand against bureaucracy, crony capitalism, and big government. We believe that time-tested conservative principles can create energy security, boost our economy, and reduce pollution. We can do this together.
The ClearPath team is on a mission to tackle one very tangled question: “How do we make our energy sector cleaner AND more reliable, while making our economy and country stronger?” Join our team of experts on our soapboxes below.
For a deeper dive on clean energy technology and policy issues, check out our series of reports below. ClearPath and organizations we collaborate with conduct analysis and submit regulatory comments on a variety of topics.